Philosophical Pathways
Where did the most significant philosophers of antiquity act in Athens? Follow their footsteps on a journey that begins in the 5th century BCE with Socrates and concludes in the 2nd century CE with Herodes Atticus. Walk through the famous philosophical schools of Plato and Aristotle, explore the mansions of the Roman-era sophists, and see where the pioneers of philosophical thought frequented in the Athenian agora. In a journey that will astonish you, you will perceive the role of philosophy in the daily life and culture of the ancient world and delve into the core of “Greco-Roman education,” a tradition that migrated to the West and left its brilliant legacy in human thought to this day.
1. Roman houses
2. Odeon of Herodes Atticus
3. House of Proclus
4. Odeon of Agrippa
5. Library of Pantainos
6. Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
7. Stoa Poikile
8. Hadrian’s Library
9. Pompeion
10. Lyceum
11. Palaestra
12. Academy
13. Gymnasium-Library
14. Sacred House
15. Square Peristyle